Monday, September 29, 2008

When I was Sixteen

Hello Mom,
Lets see, when I was sixteen I was in highschool(freshmen or sophmore), My two favorite things about being in Highschool was Lunch and Gym( I also played on the girls basketball team)..I was also volunteering for Adventist Medical hospital.I loved doing that(I did that up until I graduated from high-school and got a $750.00 scholar-ship for volunteering) I was going to church then too...and in church is where I met my ex-boyfriend(we also broke up in the church parking lot years later)...When I had my sweet-sixteen birthday, someone said sweet-sixteen and never been kissed(which I hadn't by him yet) so a little kid came up and she gave me a kiss, thinking that they meant no one has kissed me in my life..funny)
I also baby-sat for a neighbor much of the summer(its sad, though, the mom and stepdad of the children would always come home drunk..then tried to get me to drink..which I did a little), I think that is about it for this year of my life...what year would you like to see next Mom?
I love you and talk to you tomorrow....Good night and hugs

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