Wednesday, October 1, 2008

When I was in 6th grade....

Hello Mom,
This is what I remember of when I was in the sixth grade.. I remember still having recess(my favorite thing)..after lunch two of us would be assined to watch over the younger children going from the cafeteria(which was on the other side of the campus which we shared with the high schoolers and the college kids)..I remember one time when I was done with lunch early(I even scarfed my food then), I was the first one on the playground..I climbed up on the monkey bars and layed accross the top of them then reachingunder them I flipped over them and lost my grip, and fell to the ground(I was allways falling), then I remember that we had to go to outdoor school, I hated that..I didn't want to be away from home, and what made it worse was when we had to shower..I protested so much that I ended up taking one by myself(I had gone thru pruberty before anyone else, actually I had hit puberty by the time I was in 5th grade..yep I had gone thru everything) but the people and the school never understood why I was so stubbon as to not take a shower..I didn't care..I remember making a friend to whom I am friends with today(the only person I am friends and keep in touch with from school) April, she and I had alot of things in common, we were both shy(she out grew that but mine has gotten worse to a point), and we are both adopted(we both found our birthparents, mine has been h--- on earth and hers don't care about her...but we had many happy days together, and a happy summer. I'm about to run out of space so I'll write you later...and talk soon, I love you...