Tuesday, September 30, 2008

When I was in Kindergarten

Hello Mom.
I remember when I was in Kindergarten, I went to school in this little house, that was on the property of elementry/high school/college, campus. I think I only went to kindergarten 1/2 a day... but I do remember the kids teasing me because I was quiet, had trouble learning,etc. I remember I was trying to get out of this one room and a kid was on the other side holding the door shut, finally he let go and I went flying back and hit my mouth on a wooden chair..I used to though get all of my bible verses right(I went to Christian school), and getting awards for being the quietest there...The babysitters that I went to lived right across the street from the kindergarten..so she and her son who was one year younger than me, would walk over to their house when school was done...I remember one time though, her son and I were throwing apples(I think they were apples, don't remember what), and they went thru the neighbors window( I couldnt' sit for a while after the babysitter got done with my bottom), Then I lost my grandpa(on my adopted Mom's side) sometime in September of when I was in Kindergarten, I don't remember much about him(my adopted Dad's Dad died in 1973, so I never knew him), but I have alot of memories of my two grandma's growing up....
Well that about does it for now...
Here is something I'd like you to do Mom, I would like you(when you get a chance/and or want to) tell me what you think about me, I know that sounds weird..but I want to know how you feel about me..what I can do to make you proud of me, and what do you expect from me when I come to visit with you and Dad.
I love you very very much

1 comment:

SillyMissyMoo said...

Kindergarten sounded like fun for the most part. I am amazed at your memory of those days.
I sometimes wish I was a child again. That is weird isn't it?

As for YOU Sarah.
I am commanded by God to love everyone. So you know I love you. God does not however command us to like everyone. I LIKE you. You have a caring heart, not only for people but for animals and I like that quality in a person.
What you could do to make me proud of you is to serve God with all your heart and soul. I want you to be in heaven with me when its our time to go.
When you come to visit I just want you to feel at home, kick off your shoes and stay awhile.

I love you kido
