Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday NIght

I won't be able to get on the computer tommorow, but I"ll be able to call you mom(and dad) tomorrow night...so I thought I'd blog now..Its been quiet here...I'm so sick of a certain person(not Lisa) who say that I'm rude and mean, and a inconsiderate person, I'm about the nicest person you can meet, I think of others alot more so than myself, all I want to do is please people. I'm so glad that I know you and Dad now, I know that no matter how much I get punished from you two, I know that I am loved, and you love me for who I am, something that one person in my life does not accept( again I"m not talking about Lisa), I broke down crying so hard, I almost lost myself, and almost put my hand thru a window..Lisa had to hold me until all I could do was crumple down...I wanted to talk to you, but it was too late to call(10:00pm your time), but all I can do now, is think of when I get to be with my parents, you two have me now..brat and all :)
I'll try to be a good girl for you and Dad...only a few times will you have to spank me or send me to the corner(or what-ever else in punishment you have in mind)...I better go for now..I wish I was there mom so you can tuck me into bed(will you do that mom? Please?) I love you..Talk to you tomorrow..Good Night

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