Saturday, October 4, 2008

Random thoughts

Isn't it interesting on how you do a good job and work hard, and then someone oh say like your boss, turns around and gives someone who has only been on the job fo 3months or so, gives her 4 hours a week, while your still stuck with 36? I've been at this job almost 3 years. My boss, just fired someone and turned around and said, sarah, I"ll get back to you on the new schedule... and I found the new schedule in our box...and I just started crying, it hurt so bad knowing that she gave some young jeck who I hate, more hours when it is I who works hard here, I have more respect from the residents herer than anyone...i do what Lisa tells me to do,etc.
So I'm going to confront her on Monday pofessionaly(by then I'll have my tears out), and tell her what I think of her schedule(oh yea, she(the boss) also scheduled herself to work 2, 4hours a week, when I could be working one of those 4hour mornings, and that would toatal my hours to 40..that would make sense huh?
It hurt me so bad on what she did, that I was crying all night long and couldn't stop..
I can't wait till January and come home to Mom and Dad...
I love you Mom

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