Saturday, September 27, 2008


Here it is..12:17am...bored out of my mind..and having nicotine withdrawls(only thing about that is I'm irritable, cranky, and jittery...
But I feel bad cause I didn't call you and Dad last night...I'm sorry...but I am going to call in the morning to talk to you and Dad...I do love you two though, I hope I didn't make you mad for not calling..:(
Talk to you soon,
I love you

1 comment:

SillyMissyMoo said...

We could NEVER be mad at you. We do not have to talk daily to love each other.
So just relax and call when you want to...not because you think you have to.
We went to my Mother's side of the family family reunion. We had lots of love and food there. Wish you could have been with us.
Do you work tonight? If so why don't you tell me about you as a 10 year old... what was going on in your life. That should be interesting for me to read. If you don't have time or rather not then that's ok.
