Sunday, September 21, 2008

Feeling better

I am doing much better after talking to my mom and dad this morning, and getting some sleep. Today is going to be boring.. you know, clean room and house, cook,etc...I may go down to the humane society to spend some time with the animals..don't know yet..its just boring as heck least I have a few days off now until Thursday...
I'm going to get off the computer now...Take care Mom,
Hugs and kisses,

Being down..

There is one thing I hate about life is you never know when depression is gonna hit ya...I was doing fine..then in the middle of the hits..sitting here at work with no one to talk to, doesn't help either...Lots of things are running in my I really loved? Why am I here(on earth< I know why at work) I really a nice person, and most of all what is wrong with me? I love my friends and my mom and why can't I be happy all the time and not cry? I've never thought about suicide(that is why I watch the suicide videos, somehow they make me feel better..)
I just wish that January would be here like, I can be with my mom and dad..which is what I need now..I wish I could be sitting inbetween them and I could feel the love from both of them( which I do now but more so then)
I gotta get back to work...Mom, when you read this I love you so much..and dad I love youtoo, please don't ever leave me..and I'll do my best to make you two proud..
Love you