Friday, November 14, 2008


Dear Mom,
Its not just Lisa that is hitting, I used to hit her back, harder than when she hit me...when she sees that I'm not fighting back she is getting calmer...we only get in these fights when both of us, skip our meds,etc. She usually isnt a violent person..just very very jelous, childish, game playing...she is jelous of the relationship i have with you and Dad, she wants to be a part of it, and I say no, you can't...then she wants the spankings that you and dad are going to give me, and i say no to that...
I guess I'm too kind hearted of a person, that is why its easy for people to walk on me, but I'm getting stronger, I don't put up with the abuse anymore from my birthmom( sometimes its like I'm being punished for being born to her, at least she didn't raise me) I'll explain everything when I am with you and Dad...I hope we can sit and talk when I'm there..I really hope we do..
I love you Mom, thank you for being here for me..
Love your daughter,

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