Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cool Mom

Dear Mom,
That is cool, I hope you and Dad have a good Thanksgiving.....
I can't wait to talk to you and see the pictures...
I love you very much,
Love your daughter,

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hello Mom

Hell Dear Mom,
I hope you had a good week..I did, I really enjoyed talking to you the other night..
Are you going to blog again? Dad told me that you got a new camerea, maybe you can take a recent picture of you and Dad, and send it to me..I'd love that!
I hope to talk to you soon,
Love your daughter,
Sarah Ann

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hello Mom

Good morning Mom,
I hope your having a good weekend...I had a good one, but I'm glad this is my friday, I'll also be glad that I have a few days off...
I'm getting so excited about coming, are you excited about me coming?
I'll be good for you this week, and I love you very much..
Love and hugs, your daughter Sarah

Friday, November 14, 2008


Dear Mom,
Its not just Lisa that is hitting, I used to hit her back, harder than when she hit me...when she sees that I'm not fighting back she is getting calmer...we only get in these fights when both of us, skip our meds,etc. She usually isnt a violent person..just very very jelous, childish, game playing...she is jelous of the relationship i have with you and Dad, she wants to be a part of it, and I say no, you can't...then she wants the spankings that you and dad are going to give me, and i say no to that...
I guess I'm too kind hearted of a person, that is why its easy for people to walk on me, but I'm getting stronger, I don't put up with the abuse anymore from my birthmom( sometimes its like I'm being punished for being born to her, at least she didn't raise me) I'll explain everything when I am with you and Dad...I hope we can sit and talk when I'm there..I really hope we do..
I love you Mom, thank you for being here for me..
Love your daughter,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Dear Mom,
Thank you for calling, it made my day...after I got off the phone with you, Lisa's company left, and we got into an argument, she hit me, but I walked away, and went into my room...I can't belive I walked away..first time...I hope your proud of me for walking away..
Anyway, I love you Mom, please don't work too hard..I can't wait to see you and Dad.
Love your daughter,
Sarah Ann

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Hello Mom,
I hope your doing good..my day was interesting..but mainly I was down all day...I accidently left my mp3 player at work and someone stole it, I told Lisa about it, but all she could do was say, oh well who cares..
But I"m feeling better now, I went out and bought a nintendo ds system, and that will keep me occupied for a while...
I gott run, and get into my room( Lisa is having her family over tonight, so that means I gott migrate to my room, so I won't get introuble...
I love you and take care Mom,
Love, your daughter,

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Good evening

Hello Mom,
I'm doing better...but I'm getting tired of this depression state I'm in...I try to get out of it, but at least now I'm not hurting myself again( I got in trouble with Dad about what I did earlier)
I sent you and Dad a copy of my plane ticket..hope you got it...( are you excited that I'm comming soon?)
I hope things slow down for you Mom, and I hope that I can talk to you soon,
I love you very much...
Love, you daughter,

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thank you Mom

Thank you for writing back....you've just made my morning....I changed the picture on my myspace page...now its of Tommy Cooper, greatest comedian ever!
I love you and you take care Mom,
Love you, Kisses
Love your daughter Sarah

My feelings

I'm back to feeling depressed again..no matter how much I try to shake it it won't go away..I feel like everything is against me(I'm getting tired of what is going on here at work...its hard to have a girlfriend as your boss..at least I don't have to worry about arguing about work at home..I just shut her mouth if she tries)
All I know is that I want to get better...this depression wears me out so bad...I was getting up set over nothing...I just turned around and hit a cement pole as hard as I could to get the anger out..didn't feel any pain though...but now the side of my hand is swollen and bruised.
Good news though, is that I'm going to be mentoring new volunteers at the Humane Society! I'm going to teach them how to properly care for the dogs,etc... I can't wait to start that!
I love you Mom, and it won't be too long till I get to come to see you and Daddy.
Love you, take care, and good night

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Good night

I read the article, and I think what it was saying was, what I earn(or win) is not mine but actually God's(am I right?)
I'm also sorry about the word I wrote on Myspace....I was just being funny(not to mention tired also), but I'm sory if it offended you....Are you going to punish me for it? :(
But I do love you Mom, and I hope you have a good weekend..
your daughter Sarah